Black light pictures
Black light pictures

The sun (becomes a moon by night) sets the highlights in the painting: half of the mountains, half of the trees, glowing water, and the grass. See my first blacklight painting attached, daylight (first) and blacklight (second). Those are the areas which will have to glow under black light, and those are the colors you need. Look at your painting and see which areas are highlighted most. In a normal painting night scene you have a lot of dark and only some bright highlighted areas.

black light pictures

First you have to look at your painting (or what you know your painting will look like) and decide what colors you need. The Amsterdam paints are very good for the first scenario, and the second but only if you are carefull how you apply them. Invisible paints also come in colors (meaning which color they reflect under blacklight). This will be used in the second scenario. The second one is invisible in daylight and visible with black light (UV) and therefore can be used on finished paintings without changing the apperance of the painting in daylight. The first one is also visible in daylight and you usually use it in scenario 1 when mixed with the normal paints to create the painting. There are two main categories of paint: visible blacklight paint and invisible blacklight paint. You find a lot of online shops if you google for "uv paint" or "blacklight paint" but here is one for you to see the difference between the paints. brushes Choosing the right paint is very important.acrylic reflective paints - I used the Amsterdam Specialities (Reflex) from Royal Talens, very good paints with very good reflective quality.

black light pictures

  • painting - finished or in progress depending on the scenario above.
  • #Black light pictures how to#

    You don't know how to paint, but have a painting or a print which you would like to turn into a UV painting.

    Black light pictures